Are You Interested in Guesting on Unapologetically MommyHood

First, Thank you for your interest I am honored that you are stopping by.

Next, I have to let you know a bit about who we serve and who we are.

Unapologetically MommyHood is a safe judgement free platform for Mom Entrepreneurs to

come and gain support in the areas of home and business.

We look for Moms who are entrepreneurs to share their journeys .

We also look for service providers who have a service/product that can benefit Mom Entrepreneurs.

The format of the show is conversational it is not interview format. I repeat it is not an interview for your business although we will highlight what you do in various ways. We look for relatable stories, tips, and practical applications that our Moms can use to reduce the Overwhelm of running a home and business to create a sense of Community and Support.

Now that that's taken care of:

About the Podcast

We serve Mom Entrepreneurs who have small children to get past overwhelm while running home and business.

Our mission is to to Support Moms in being confident and authentic to who they are as a woman, business owner, and human. To express that your identity isn't tied to just being a mom you are so much more. To guide women through the journey of home and business through the eyes of other moms in business. Authentically and Unapologetically. You don't have to choose and you don't have to conform to someone else's idea of what you should be. It's your journey of MommyHood.

Our Vision is to cross barriers of business and motherhood internationally. Moms coming together in a support system with the focus being on resources, tools, information, expertise and support to relieve overwhelm and stress for more success. UMM will push awareness for moms and their support systems (family, community, mentors, etc.) so that they can also build their personal and business revenue. Everything begins with a mother.

About the Host

I am a Certified Behavior Consultant with a Master's Degree in Forensic Psychology. Now that that's out of the way I am a KickAss Mom. I support Moms who are coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs to create, plan, and execute their vision in a way that feels really good to them. We do this by systemizing their vision using their Unique Behavior Profile. This allows for them to be uber authentic when running home and business creating more success and decreasing overwhelm and stress..

I work with women to regain their identity, gain the courage, confidence, and compassion in who they truly are so they can show up boldly, fearlessly, and authentically without barriers, feeling stuck, or alone, so that they can live in their Dream NOW and create legacies for their families.

It takes Confidence to take a chance on yourself and start or go all in in your business. It's time to Build up Moms because they spend most of their time building up others and their families (children/spouse/significant others) often putting themselves last.

Why is this important, needed, and wanted?

Women are 28% more likely to burnout than Men and with 9.8 million mothers suffering from workplace burnout not including their responsibilities at home. It's been reported that in 53% of households the mother is the primary caregiver, finding that it's more likely to burnout with the uneven demands placed on Mothers. Not only this but the cases of Mom-Burnout are higher among Black, Asian, and Latino families.

What is Mom-Burnout? The emotional and physical exhaustion that you feel from the chronic stress of parenting. It is usually brought on by the lack of Support. It gets to the point where there is resentment for the children and family members.

This is all without the stress of the pandemic from where the mom had to take on even more responsibilities.

Ask any mother and they will tell you that being a mom IS a full-time job, except there isn’t an off button. There are no days or hours off. With that being said, we’re amazed at how some moms are able to manage their careers and motherhood.

Aside from this, moms deal with other factors such as mom-guilt on top of everything else. Moms want to create businesses to work from home to spend more time with children and their families but it often turns into less downtime and more work without the proper plan and support. This leads to unhealthy factors like mom-guilt and mom-burnout.

That's Where Our Guests Come IN (YOU)

Do you have a journey, story, or expertise that can help a Mom Entrepreneur in their home or business and help them feel supported and less overwhelmed.

Are you open, non judgemental and can hold a conversation on your proposed topic?

And Lastly can you unapologetically provide support to our Moms that will help motivate and inspire them to push through what may be holding them back.

If you answered yes to these questions apply below.